Personal Training in the Ceremonial Magic of the Grimoires

Over time, spiritual terminologies have changed and been interpreted by all religions, priesthoods, lodges, shamans, prophets, and worshippers. In the present age, like the confusion of tongues after the fall of the Tower of Babel, world religion is still in a darkened, dictionariless disconnect from the global community of witnesses to the Great Spirit, and intertwined disempowerment and unenlightenment forsakes a more heavenly life from the truly faithful. In the most Hellish pits of idolatrous cultism, believers are abused and barred from obtaining true salvation by low-vibrational souls and cycles of psychological sickness. Slowly but surely, the power of the Gods humbles the churches and congregants, and souls awaken into true freedom; a tree branching out into foliage, a planet soaring in its own orbit around the one and only Source, creator and sustainer of all life, mind and soul of the universe. To evolve as souls, we must only remember who we come from, break our bonds, and reunite. As an integral cornerstone of society and life across the universe, occultism is a light that can never be snuffed out. Reality is, alas, stranger than fiction.

The process of passing magical wisdom from one spirit to another has always been a specific process. The processes have always been relatively the same, because the end goal has always been the same: energetic alignment with our Divine Source, which is the universal spark of life which animates the galaxies. The secret wisdom exists everywhere in the universe, and is synonymous with natural laws, and natural miracles. The secret wisdom exists in all ages to guide humankind back to the knowledge and understanding that we are the incarnated and conscious children of a loving and creative intelligence we know as God/dess, by countless names. Through initiation and enlightenment into esoteric realms of energy-consciousness, we regain quantum control over our reality from our center outwards. The prize for solving the grand puzzle of incarnation is the memory of your angelic soul, and continual unity with your higher purposes. It is my goal to properly pass on the Great Work of the Soul in a way that sets everyone free, and makes the world a healthier, safer, and more loving home.

I am a student, practitioner, and teacher of the methods of Thaumaturgy (the art and science of causing miracles! I know, it sounds too good to be true, but all the best things in life at first do!) described within the western occult’s powerful, beautiful, mysterious, obscured, and intimidatingly detailed grimoire and Solomonic ritual traditions. I have come to see the effectiveness of these preeminent magical methods in my own life, through much mortal trial, egoistic error, collaboration and teamwork, sometimes quite candle-in-the-dark explorations in mental and spiritual discipline, and through years of passionate practice, I have developed my own unique methods for working with the spirit world in a structured, safe setting, which allows myself and my students to work magic independently as well as alongside fellow practitioners in a home temple using the classical methods of the conjuration, invocation, and evocation of intelligent spirits. The spirit world exists alongside us, and its omnipresent influences work through us, and the more awareness we have of these truths in this vast cosmic ocean of ephemeral illusions, the better.

As in any truly holy magical lodge, a plethora of esoteric branches of study and knowledge shall be tapped into by the working magician, for to be a magician is to be a perpetual student of and for Divinity. A circle of fellow magicians allows the miraculous to flow through life on the wings of a true friend’s words. These initiates of the sacred flame of the spirit have and always will be priests and priestesses of the most noble order, and for their Great Works shall they demand due respect. In the journey of an ascending soul it is often necessary to come back to the center where the physical and spirit worlds meet, and after humbling ourselves, learn from our guiding ancestors, spirits, teachers, and angelic intelligences, so that we can once again remember the journey we are on, and look forward to our swift journey back home, never to fear again. To be a magician, to be an enlightened soul, is to seize hold of one’s destiny.

The student who devotes to practicing these arts and teachings will obtain a signed and sealed charter displaying their accomplishment and obtained titles.

Based on the results of my work, and my deep love for and understanding of the magic I cherish, it is time for me to pass on what I have learned about the ancient sciences of the soul, and help nurture that passion within other fellow travelers up the winding path to the light—the time is now.


The course will be taught in 5 segments, containing 13 separate lessons, all of which will involve introspective and outrospective spiritual work, contemplation, and ceremonial ritual practice. Students will immediately begin to work on strengthening their psychic and spiritual abilities, and connection to other realms and scopes of existence. During the course, the essentials of the Solomonic rituals will be acquired (altar, tools, regalia, etc).


Each segment can be paid for separately for $100 each, or the whole course can be paid for up front for $500. This transaction is a pure exchange of energy, and goes toward progenating the Great Work in our world. Students will complete each segment’s work at their own pace, as alchemy is a voyage through which every sovereign soul must steer their own ship. Teaching will be customized to ensure success.


1. The Physical Plane 

2. The Spirit Plane

3. Higher Powers

4. Lower Powers

5. The Art Thaumaturgy

Other rituals/visualizations/books as recommended. Students are encouraged and assisted in the study of classical Divinities, Qabalah, Tarot, Western occult symbolism, and global spiritual traditions.

“When the Lord appeared to Solomon in Gibon, and said to him in a dream, “What shall I give to thee?” Solomon reflected, “If I ask for gold, silver, or jewels, the Lord will give them to me; I will ask, however, for Wisdom; if that is granted me, all other good things are included.” Therefore, he replied, “Give to thy servant an understanding heart.”

“But if they [the spirits] appear not yet, let not the Master on that account lose any courage, for there is nothing in the world stronger and of greater force to overawe the Spirits than constancy.”

—The Greater Key of Solomon

All these teachings aim to do is help an individual to comprehend what exists in the beyond, so they can go forth prepared to use this knowledge to improve the world.

“Mind over matter.” —Sir Charles Lyell, 1863

“The mind drives the mass.” —Virgil, 19 B.C.


I would consider this course to be comparable to a college level course, in amount of detail, time, and work put into the main procedures and assignments; however, the ritual and spiritual work that will be continued is a monumental effort that only each and every one of us can bear on our own shoulders. One of the greatest things about seeking a teacher in magic is the ability for the ancient wisdom to be made clearer to you, for signposts to be spotted before a mistake is made, and to not be so alone on such a perplexing and beautific path, so that you can proceed smoothly onto your divine destination.

A bit of time will need to be set aside for practice and study. I recommend in the basics daily stretches and self massages, as well as a healthy diet. (But nothing too strict, because even holy people should be free.) Most of the time questions can be answered through messages, other times phone calls and video demonstrations will be necessary. This is a class for someone who is ready to carve out time in their life to work on becoming an empowered, well-rounded ritual magician, with strong foundations of knowledge to stand upon. The main inspirations for my work have been The Key of Solomon, which is essentially the structure of my Thaumaturgical rituals, as well as the transformative experiences I had while undergoing the eighteen month long Abramelin ritual, and through bonding with my Holy Guardian Angel, remembering why I came to this planet: to teach, heal, and activate love. I have taught about witchcraft and magic for years on YouTube, and have grown a very humble, yet powerful underground fanbase. It is my goal to teach the world about magic; it’s what I’m good at, and magic is really fun once you learn how to use it!


Not everyone should take this class. It is for the serious pupil who is ready to understand what I have to teach. I recommend each student be in a healthy mental state, and in a state of mind ready to begin doing some powerful and transformative magic.

If this course is for you, please fill out this brief form so that I can get to know a little about you, and you can get to know more about the class:


Peace & Love