Interview with Lord Matria by Sophia

Spring Equinox, 2024

I had been curiously learning about grimoire magic and occultism from Mr. Austin Shippey, known by his Craft name Lord Matria, for a decade online, before I approached him, with upmost sincerity, to ask for training in Magic; Not the parlor-stage illusions many might think of, but instead an Art far older, far more existential, and infinitely more enchanting.  

I needed direction. I needed some sincere words of guidance, some outside perspective, some basis of a map for my spiritual quest, my destiny, or my destination. I wanted to see past the illusions, deceit, and corruption of the system. I wanted to escape the system, and if I couldn't escape, subvert it. I wanted to assist sincere people, learned in precious and ancient aspects of life one rarely crosses, true priesthood, true holy people, truly enlightened masters. Does such a thing even exist!? My summer had been full of the sweat of hard labor and activism, in the streets, with my picket signs, chanting and crying to the drums of continually unfolding revolution. I had seen Austin's passion for human rights on social media, and in total agreement with his demands for progress and reform, I knew that I wanted to meet this unique, ostentatious, audacious leader, and, cautiously, discerningly, gain some sense of direction. I did not expect to ask for initiation and teaching so quickly; but when the things he was saying helped me remember things I always knew but could never explain, I knew what people feel upon meeting a Guru, a Guide, a Prophet. This was no quack, no charlatan. This was the teaching of the holy books, alive, and ready to be explored. I felt a passion ignite, and I knew that I was meant to become, for life, a Priestess. It was no longer a question I needed to seek another person, or a deity's, permission for. I am a Priestess because I am a teacher and healer by nature. I simply had to make room in my life to express it. I didn't need to meet a savior; I needed to remember and become my own savior. 

We met for tea in his cozy, Portland, Oregon apartment around the worn-in and scratched black wood of the family dining table, and the warm fire of a sweet pumpkin spice candle. We pour green tea into big mugs and add milk and honey. I sip my warming and refreshing tea and gaze around at the fairy tale character's dwelling. Through the sliding glass door I can see cars passing by through sunset traffic as an abundance of trees and vines sway in the amber light. The small yet tidy apartment feels like a quiet retreat amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. But, the more I explored, the more I felt I was drifting away into the past, and then into a timeless place. 

Sweet, floral incense meanders through the air, gathering on a handful of aging vintage prints and paintings, and paintings by the magician Matria himself, of witches, horned sprites, and ancient Gods and Goddesses. A bookcase houses well-read Holy books: A blue leather Masonic Bible, a black and gold Quran, The Sutras of Gautama Buddha, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, ancient mysteries, cults, pantheons, and coffee table books with photos of tribal and taboo religion. Indian and medieval tapestries color the white walls like stained glass windows into parallel worlds; battle-ready medieval knights gather around a sleeping unicorn, and a robed Cardinal naps on his throne. The shelves are arranged with glittering golden brass candlesticks, and relics from across the globe. None of it is of much material worth, but every piece is full of personally relevant value, like a fable wherein every detail is intended to teach the viewer about life. I imagined this to be how some ancient forest spirit would live, a fairy with a collected treasure trove, or some kind of ageless vampire. 

I  hoped to answer some lifelong questions and confusions for myself. We all believe ourselves to have common sense, until we find ourselves members of a cult, or conned by our own politicians and businessmen. Studies have recently shown that the hive mentality and groupthink is an innate tendency in mammals, and no one wants to have the wool pulled over their eyes and the rug swept from under their feet by a predatory, charismatic cult figure; a wolf in sheep's clothing, a snake oil salesman, a false prophet, or a peddler of false promises, like the bulk of our politicians and businessmen. However, I couldn't keep ignoring and denying my need for community and self-affirmation, which has led me to my lifelong devotion to, and faith in, my ancestral roots, and the stories passed down through my family which inform my philosophy, my worldview, my self. I also felt a profound need to spiritually decolonize and reindigenize my own psyche and spirit, after coming to further realization of the devastating impacts imperialism and colonization has had on humanity. I wanted a way to explore my spiritual and ancestral identity that would heal and reverse the damage done by all the corruption. Amidst the darkness of the world, how could I accept a God, let alone Gods, or magical thinking, and would this ultimately help me with my grief and ongoing suffering, or would this act as just another disappointment, just another scheme or scam? 

I hoped to speak with a person, not a priest, not a figurehead or idol, not someone with titles and airs. I just wanted some truth. All of this is why I was drawn to Austin, the quietly-spoken coven leader, Chief Witch himself, Lord Matria. He teaches in a down-to-earth and human way, simply transmitting information, and seeking nothing more. Amidst many carefully articulated words, I heard the truth so loudly that it shattered the illusions I feared, clarifying the moonlight.  

Sophia: Hello and blessings. It's an honor to meet with you and see your space. 

Matria: Ase, Namaste, Blessed Be. The honor is all mine! I greatly appreciate it. 

S: I love the beautiful items and artwork you use to adorn your home. It feels like an escape, like a trip to a theme park, or a trippy kind of trip--if you know what I mean. It's like being inside of a museum, or time traveling.

M: Mhm, I'm a time traveler. Thank you. I don't like to own much, but I like to own things with personal significance, and that are interesting or meaningful. I like getting rid of stuff that I don't need. As they say, we can't take any of it with us. I like my environment to inspire my soul. I like my life to be comfortable, peaceful, cozy, beautiful. Hygge and beyond. 

S: What is the meaning and significance behind your name, Lord Matria?

M: I chose Matria as my sacred name in honor of the Buddha of the Future, Lord Maitreya, humbly. "Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya" he intones, hands meeting and head bowing in the direction of a tiny golden Buddha statue above the table, means "I praise and take refuge in the Buddha [enlightened mind], the Dharma [the taught way,] and the Sangha [the community.] This is the Triple Gem of Buddhism. I am a Buddhist in the same way as I am a Witch, a Christian, a Muslim, an Indigenous Polytheist, and a Pagan; I personally take refuge in all of the religious teachings I can learn about, the spiritual medicines of the world, and believe them to contain the core truths of humanity. We are all God’s children. I aim to propagate the ancient wisdom in as many ways as I possibly can. I believe that through our collective development and evolution, the people, one by one, become aligned with Divinity, by many names and forms, and that every soul is a thread in an intricate tapestry. 

My grandma is a Buddhist, so I grew up smelling the nag champa incense smoke, and hearing her words of wisdom delivered from the other side of the globe. My mom is a Christian, so Yeshua and Siddhartha have both been lifelong companions. I always resonated with Buddhism, in the same way I resonate with many religious traditions, in the same way I have empathy for all. I’ve been curiously studying everything I can find since I was a kid.

It is my sacred work, my God-given task, to represent the spiritual forces of the future, in order to help humanity evolve.

"Matria" is spelled Matriarchy for my belief that womankind is intrinsic to the Age of Aquarius we have just entered, and the future of humanity: Matriarchy is feminist philosophy, and the future is feminist. It is welcoming home the Daughter of God, the Spirit of the future. My goal is to welcome and begin the unfolding age by establishing, in my own small way, metaphysically, over the whole Earth, the true Church of the Heart; a simple ideal centering upon liberation, human rights, and equality. It is a Church, and it is also antiestablishment. It is a community of sovereign individuals, related by mutual understanding and human empathy. It is personal and communal. It is an idea and a doctrine. It is a rule and a guideline. It is faithful and scientific. It is named and nameless. It is alive with the living spirit of today. It is mine and it is yours, it is no one's, it belongs and returns to Creator. It is for and dedicated to Creator. It belongs to no one but the One. It is delivered by me and other humans by ascended emissaries; Ancestors and Angels tasked with guiding humanity. The priesthood and initiates of the world can only help souls to save themselves. This is ancient spiritual law and it is continual. So, it is my goal to help humanity actualize our brighter future through my art and my passion for progressive human rights.

I always intend to challenge people to see the higher truths which exist outside of human doctrine or cult dogma. I ultimately try to get people to understand the world's intersectional divisions, and then meditate upon the next steps to take, in a way that leads to spiritual growth, through understanding of story and symbol. I think this is what the magician naturally does, and we see our modern magicians make all kinds of art to help teach and progress the people. Art is a lot like dreams that we can share with each other and collectively learn and grow from. I find that magic and spiritual topics often spark the most-needed realizations, soul growth, and healing, and therefore naturally earn respect from the people in need of that magic. My main objectives are to empower the masses, and to teach people the facts about our world from the smallest cell, to the person, to the distant stars, to help all of us internally and communally evolve and progress. I aim to expand upon all of this through my art, of course.

For the majority of human history--HIS story--violence has allowed the male sex to dominate everyone and everything, largely through force and coercion. The Holy Books teach us about the constant struggle between positive and negative. Feminist theory examines this phenomena as a social science and reveals to us the failures of past people and the lies, illusions, and atrocities of patriarchy and authoritarianism. It is integral to the health of humanity to allow women to naturally uplift the species without threat of ongoing violence of excessively militarized, imperialist governments. Patriarchy is systemically imposing violence, thereby seeking to deify violence in place of the people’s God. To validate the use of violence to solve the world's problems and bowing to that devil, we are worshipping violence in the place of Divinity. We end up destroying the whole planet by this continual imbalance. Climate destruction is injustice on a scale never seen before.

Patriarchy’s imbalance harms everyone, because it has erected in its place a vehicle to commit acts of violence and implement systems of capital, caste, and institutional inequity. Until women and children--the masses--can overpower and bring an end to this violence and inequality, can humanity truly grow. This is the matrix, the systems of oppression our civilization implements from the top down, demanding collective obedience with perpetual wrongdoing; always slowly improving, but not quickly enough. The oppressive daily cycle holds more gravity among mortal men than the liberated daily cycle of a healthy species. More power and control means more potential to extract and exploit, and those in power are abusing that power largely due to the corruption and imbalance inherent to the surrounding systems. I always say, whenever people complain, under patriarchy it is opposite day every day. 

Feminism is to restore logic and balance to the situation. I believe in my heart that God is equally male and female. I believe to my core it is a primary failure of humanity to achieve balance and equality. Many ancient societies enjoyed more equality and acceptance. I aim to make everything I do an affirmation of more freedom and more equality.

A central meaning to choosing a spiritual name is as a motto for the meaning of one's life. Every soul has countless names, because we live countless lives, and we are also the incarnations, or the avatars, of many deities and spirits and spirit-tribes. By choosing your name, you are affirming to yourself and others who you truly are. You learn that beyond names, labels, and divisions, we are all the same all-encompassing entity. The Soul of the Universe, which contains every sound, every color, every number, everything. 

One can vocalize and feel this concept of the Universe by intoning "Aum." 

Witchcraft tends to be matrilineal, feminist, and Goddess-honoring, because Mother Nature teaches us that reality is as much feminine as it is masculine, and we strive for alchemical balance in all aspects of life. Women also tend to be naturally inclined to the psychic and magical arts, which is why the occult mysteries are often called the lunar arts, the left hand or crooked path, in their seeking more encompassing and empathic ways of being, and to cherish the Women’s Mysteries. Similarly, many mystics, prophets, psychics, or priesthood are queer, or trans, and therefore able to perceive and understand reality more sensitively. Cis-hetero people tend to take the ordinary for granted, as given, and may be opposed to progress or the evolution of ideas that comes through gnosis, instead seeking to categorize, conform, and judge. Queer people, in order to adapt, have to be smarter.

Many people, throughout life, like a worm deep down in the muck, intentionally dig themselves into a pit of darkness and negativity. Many people also sign onto evil through supposedly miniscule daily choices, the Devil being a Trickster.

The struggle and evolution of humanity is one thing occultists symbolize, simply by existing and practicing, as part of the alchemy involved with existing in a society. Occultism gives one symbolic reference points for alchemical wholeness, empowerment, and freedom within life, regardless of societal dictations. Magic helps set you free. 

S: I understand that this is a very serious avenue of life, living in a very serious world. Most people never think about, let alone discuss, these topics. Many people also discuss these topics into sickness, obsession, and irrationality, instead of applying them to life and learning from them. But that's precisely why so many are interested and eager to learn and meet community, to make sense of the chaos, the shadows, and the mysteries which have been intentionally concealed or hidden--many people first think of this when they think of "the occult." Many churches and individuals are evolving religion and alternative lifestyles, embracing and adopting healthier, psychologically and socially, manners of communing with others and learning about spiritual topics. Just the same, many people are opposed, as in, they disagree that any sort of other-world exists, or they've been taught that these things are evil by a Church, or told they'll be punished if they ever explore anything outside the establishment norm. 

M: Many souls are lost. When coming from a place of suffering, people will attempt to judge or harm others instead of coexist. Many souls are trapped by human contracts which appear as false lights in place of God. Because humans place high emphasis on these worldly contracts and systems,  these passing illusions come to hold more psychological gravity, and everyone bows to simple pressures, and begin to think of these agreements as correct and righteous, no matter the consequences that result out of their field of view and control. In this way, we collectively sign all of our power over to institutions, which become the demons we collectively sacrifice our power and lives to, every day. It is the tragedy of Samsara and illusions of the human world that we must overcome. We must collectively replace these systems with ones that actually work for the health and wellbeing of humans and Earth, now.

Half of the world's souls are lost in a world of ego, divisiveness, and distraction from the bigger picture, so clarity takes them more time and effort to gain. It takes a ton of care, study, and grinding the gears of thought to even learn the language to speak about these topics. Many people don't have access to a fully comprehensive and quality education. I believe it is my responsibility to teach, because I can and must. 

It's one of the great failures of the modern world that we have abandoned the ethos, folklore, and enchantment of the indigenous world. Civilizations, species even, die and disappear. The indigenous world is still alive and fighting for survival! The indigenous world must be saved, preserved, honored, cherished, and uplifted as humanity's living inheritance. As humanity progresses, our wisdom and technology grows older and expands. When the past is cut off, a people is uprooted and accursed until the sin is atoned for. 

This is the reason much of the world are forbidden to talk about the ancient spiritual lore; it is intentionally erased by people who intend to oppress and exploit the masses. They don't want us to be able to talk about the Gods, because we would realize they are using the people to build Demons. They don't want us having public access to information, or goods and resources, because they want the money and power for themselves. They don't want us talking about philosophy, or getting a great education, because they want us digging in their mines. They don't teach us peace, because they sell weapons when we die on their battlefields. They don't teach us to be lifelong allies to the needy, they don't encourage us to be social justice activists, to boycott, protest, and get involved in politics, because they want the people to be powerless. 

A smart species does not pillage and pollute its own planet. People that can talk about the soul do not follow in blind complicity with corruption, ignorance, and evil. Evil people have incentive to forbid TRUTH, and to make people feel afraid of thinking. Once you break free from the manmade box imposed upon us, you are free to think for yourself and explore the world and the universe in your mind and actually. Evil wants people to fear God and see everything as another division from God. God wants us to grow closer with Good no matter what happens. 

Humanity is learning every day how to coexist better, and through ourselves we learn about the Gods. As humanity grows wiser, we will collectively realize the truths behind the ancient teachings. That they aren't about a fantasy world, they are meant to be applied to thee world. 

S: How does one join a coven, or a group of magical practitioners? More specifically, what is it all about? Why would someone want to practice these frequently tabooed practices? 

M: There is an old global Indigenous teaching, which is still told today, which explains that "There are many paths up the same mountain." This means that every soul that incarnates into the world has a unique journey, full of life lessons, and that we all return at the end to our Creator. The story of life is a quest for the highest point we can reach; the miraculous. Spirituality is all about this sacred quest. Sometimes we find it, sometimes we miss it.

The sacred scriptures of all cultures teach us "the way to eternal life," and this centers around living in alignment with a blessed life, a good life, right now, and in every moment, to promise yourself that no matter what waves come you'll just keep swimming along with the Divine plan, so that all future lives and reincarnations may get better and better. 

Sin means to miss the mark, so when people neglect the Spirit, life gets messy, they may find themselves experiencing Hellish energies. When someone keeps the Soul healthy and optimistic, they build for themselves a more Heavenly world. They begin to enter the flow state. Life begins to nourish and eases hurting. Buddha taught the ways to the cessation of suffering. In times of joy, when we enter heightened and expanded vibration, time falls away as if it never existed; it is here one enters consciousness of purpose within eternity. From this state everything throughout the universe emerges hopeful. 

Karma means action and reaction. So it is very common for people to make mistakes and fall into destructive cycles. The Buddha taught us that the Dharma is the Way, the Middle Way, to escaping karmic cycles and ceasing suffering. Having good people around you, your family and tribe, keeps one focused on the proper Dharma ways of living, as well as studying the Buddha's Sutras, as well as other sources of wisdom. 

Buddhism and the Eastern religions have been integral to the formation of every modern religion, including Christianity. In the same way, the Indigenous teachings are the basis for the ongoing development of modern religion. God works through every prophet to help humanity, but humanity often ignores much of the Holy teachings, along with much of the world and world history. This is how it has been since we emerged from jungle caves, and life will always be governed by the Laws of nature. We are still learning to live up to the precedents set by the Ascended Masters of ancient times. It is egotistical and foolish to think that we are somehow superior to more ancient societies which have had much more time to mature.

People need salvation, they need the wisdom of the ancestors to improve the world. But they need it all in a scientifically accurate and reliable way. By studying and working with any spiritual tradition, one makes room in one's life for the teachings to take root and sprout, for one to experience something greater than oneself. When you hear any word from any soul, let alone a Saint or Deity, you forever walk alongside their spirit. It takes a village to raise a child.  

People join into covens or covenants with everyone we interact with. Every hand we shake, every cent we spend, every bill we pay, is a spiritual-energetic transaction; everything we do has karmic effect. It is for this reason the prophets are born on Earth, and must diligently practice their prayer, craft, ritual, meditation, and educating the public in order to develop self-discipline and wisdom, so that we may enter a state of grace, a state of flow with the meaning and invigoration of reality, better timelines, destiny. 

It is to save incarnate souls that God guides into being the saints which are Angelic emissaries and messengers. To save us from the consequences of evil, karma, and sin, the Universe created such saviors, such teachers of liberation, as the Buddha, the Christ, the Priesthood, the People, and, of course, the Witch, all to deliver us from oppression and into liberation. There are countless Deities, tribes of Ancestors, and all sorts of Spirit-emanations of God, all sent to tell a complex story to humanity. It is only under corrupt tyranny and oppression that the many Gods and Spirits are forbidden or shunned. When people are healthy and happy, God is everywhere, Goddess is everywhere, Spirit is everywhere. People only close off to these aspects of reality due to suffering and fear which leads to a narrowing of perspective and a numbing of sense-perception. 

Through spiritual practice, one may restore and ultimately save the soul; meeting many divine allies along the way. It wasn't until recent and oppressive times that monotheism was ever invented, and it has obviously been used as a tool for tyranny. To say that God has one expression in monotheism is, by definition, idolatry. It is the idolatry of a name, of a Spirit which is not synonymous with the mysterious All-Source and Ultimate Reality, but fixated on the passing illusions presented by the world, and the politically-motivated opinions of mortal men. When a society becomes idolatrous, they begin committing sins in order to defend the sin of that idol. We see this in the modern Western societies who, in idolizing one deity, have fulfilled the worship of war-violence, and will threaten anyone who tries to stand in the way of their access to that idolized and imposed violence. Pathologies can be seen as manifestations of Demons and the lower Elementals, which have been raised to the same importance as the high conception of Godliness without being made perfect by the work of the All-Spirit. Suddenly, a society begins to revere, respect, and uphold systems of sin. It is for this reason one of the primordial teachings about God is that whatever God may be, God is nameless and formless, only knowable by a witnessing soul, non-expressible. We are God's way of knowing itself, and to it we shall return. I'm talking about things within perception, not fantasies. We are talking about the meanings of life itself, and how one can improve life itself. We can't wave a wand and save the whole world, but word by word, breath by breath, we can bless and change the world. This is what magic and religion are supposed to be about. Everything else is abstraction and imagination. Magic is what it is. God is All in All. 

S: I know that rituals and ceremonies are important to many people, but why are they necessary? What really happens during a ritual or an initiation ceremony?

M: We gather together, an assembly, a congregation, in the Temple room, around the Altar. Everyone wears their beautiful jewels and robes, everyone's feeling their best. 

The rituals people do, and that you can read, go way back, both in fundamentals and in details.

The main purpose of rituals and spells is to begin and assist the process of improving life. Improve your Spirit, improve your life. 

During a ritual, the main focus are the traditions which are the pillars of culture and mythology. The traditions, teachings, and symbols all give expression to the main concepts taught about in religions. Generally, people begin with the frameworks of the ancient rituals, and then allow spaces for simple, normal, natural interactions and self expressions. Much of a Ritual will be meditative and just for the individual to enjoy, contemplate the mysteries, and pray. But much more may happen as the soul is given expression. Sometimes you feel like a Fool in the Circle, other times a Magician. As you develop your soul-self, you learn to confidently carry yourself, and present yourself to others as a representative of the Gods, shining like a star. You learn and are encouraged in self confidence, self direction, and overall self mastery. Ritual is meant to give people permission to be truthfully Divine. 

We always have something, and hope for an abundance of offerings, for the Spirits and ourselves to enjoy. If we're working outdoors, we will bring a big jug of drinking water, and libations of food and drink. Always, of course, we share the chalice of consecrated wine and consecrate and break the bread, and usually some fruit. But when a big holy occasion comes 'round, we open bottles of wine and spirits and fill the kitchen with finger foods; by which I mean fruits, vegetables, cheese, and pastries, not junk food. Though, one should be able to perform a ritual at any moment, because, theoretically, our whole life is our personal ritual, and everything in it is an element of that ritual. So, one can use anything within one's domain as an offering. Everything you consume is an offering to your Gods and Ancestors. So you should choose better food over worse food. Old Witch lore says that if a coven of witches were especially wicked, they would serve rotten and disgusting food to their folk. So, naturally if we follow the symbolism, we have to ask, what kind of food are those in power serving our families? Are our masters spoiled rotten? Have some systems broken down and become immoral?  This is how one can think of this ancient witch folklore and myth. The archetypes of the coven and its witches are aspects of the blueprints of reality and the human condition. The ritual, the teachings, and individual wisdom, bring the Gods out from the fabric of reality, and through our expressions of magic give the spirit-world form. The Ritual helps one to mentally and spiritually unite with higher understanding, in order to give a place for comparison between the Spirit and the physical, as well as the internal and external. We find that all of Reality may manifest more or less perfectly. Until energies are adjusted, things may remain the same, or decay. So it is to everyone's interest that every aspect of every person's daily rituals are more perfect. 

The Ritual is the Circle of Life. We are made of faith, and then we enter life hoping to maintain that faith. When faith may waver, one returns to remembering. 

S: As much as community exists today, and freedom of religion is upheld, there are many people who totally hate and fear all of this, and have been raised to believe witchcraft and even other religions are excuses for evil or misguided opinions. 

M: That perspective stems from an incorrect or deluded view of how God works throughout nature. They don't actually fear the Witch's magic, they fear the world, and they fear the darkness within themselves. They don't actually fear black magic, they fear how their people are failing. They don't fear the other, they fear their own suffering. In order to scapegoat this invisible threat and placate the demons of illness, a witch is chosen; what this scapegoat or witch's "powers" have actually always been are up for debate, but as a baseline, witch-power is whatever capabilities and understanding an individual may gain through their own spiritual evolution; the heightened perceptions or alternate perspectives gained by those with any "otherized" attributes, such as neurodivergence, queerness, struggle, or privilege, even a person's lot of good and bad luck are all powers and forces attributable to the sacred Witch. 

A healthy society is supposed to see every individual, normal, or other, as made by Creator and perpetually redeemable. An unhealthy society begins to destroy every person seen as other, as a way to cleanse the society of any imagined outsider threat. Witch persecutions, and persecutions of all sorts of groups, come from a people's inability to properly incorporate and come to terms with reality. Perhaps the Witch's magic only becomes black when labeled by flawed, divided humans; because truly the Witch's magic is a full force of nature, simply by being a human which is an avatar and vessel for God and spirit to inhabit the world. But those who commit violence and persecution against innocent humans are the real monsters, not the Witches. Humans can only feign perfection, but it is those who do the spiritually challenging introspection and thought that can hope to overcome imperfections. Those who persecute the innocent are not moral arbiters, but are barbarists, and devolving degenerates. The persecutors are the persecutors of humanity and nature; Not the defenders of God, but abominable blasphemers. 

The true priesthood of Holy People has no mercy for evildoers or abuse, which is why many practitioners are very secretive about their practices, for their own protection from the corrupt or profane. Witches, occultists, and initiates are generally upstanding citizens, with more wisdom and empathy than the average person. We generally have no patience for problems and are implementers of solutions and remedies. 

S: This is one of those big questions: Where does Witchcraft, Magic, and the Occult intersect with conspiracy, or corruption? Some people, perhaps due to fantasy movies or true crime shows, believe witches to be some kind of evil cabal, or doorway to the underworld.  

M: We have no interest in the damage and illness inflicted by the corrupt of heart or the criminal. We're also not a conspiracy. We truly consider ourselves outside of and above these flawed human enterprises. Our practices are uplifting and healing. We congregate the same way any group or movement does. We value freedom of religion and freedom of speech. In actuality, it is the overarching systems of human social intelligence which dictate how any group forms, and covens seek to understand the laws of human nature through observing these phenomenon. The Occult truly has a social component which is akin to all forms of human organization. It is the primordial meeting place and central Circle of Elders. We're people with a common interest in reality and, ultimately, the wisdom teachings of all people.

Occultists are vigilant watchers and teachers who aim to make sense of the Divine scheme of things. We, like the majority of people, maintain a moral compass with disciplined and honest livelihood. Furthermore, occultists aim to be pillars of knowledge in a world which often prefers ignorance. An occultist is a beacon of God's light shining in all hues of the rainbow. Occultists are predominantly, due to revelation and gnosis, averse to cult-like power and control structures. Occultists and practitioners of any spiritual tradition are, truly, trying to align with the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, to remember Source-consciousness, and to know the teachings of  the Spirit-world which have been feared and forbidden, but which nevertheless remain a testament to God's eternal truths.

Occultists know that the average person, and the average worldview, has a small and generally skewed perspective on greater truths. An occultist seeks to use anything, from statue, to poem, to symbol, to color, to prayer, to supplication, to ego-self-sacrifice to step into a more enchanted and miraculous world. We are perpetual students and eternal teachers, winking to others across the table who know of God's mysteries. We work hard to improve our lives. 

Conspiracies do happen in the world, mostly by the greedy, sick, and dishonest. Actual Occultists and Magicians are faithful, mystic people, and have no incentive or desire to pursue a dishonest life, let alone handle the heartbreak and destruction that is guaranteed on a truly sinful path. Humans have free will, and may choose to embrace wrongfulness, immorality, corruption, foolishness, or degeneracy, and they will receive the consequences of their actions. Criminals end up alone and afraid, where spiritual people end up surrounded by friendship and faith. Religion has been used for conspiracy, but also to organize people to help realize objectives, progress, and organize community aid. But the main, daily focus of spirituality consists of cognitive and perceptual tools, self-care, medicine and healing--you know, the basics of a healthy life and mind.

I have total freedom and responsibility to be a good and great person. The goal of magic is not to radicalize, but awaken. Not to control, but to assist. A teacher has to know that a person will blossom, and choose moral and beneficent paths, as a result of the teaching and energy bestowed. Religion is a medicine, and like any drug may be abused, which is why it's important for everybody to understand what it actually is, how it exists, and how it doesn't, and for everyone to understand morality and philosophy. Enlightenment and wisdom are medicine. Life thrives on truthful understanding and love. Which is why conspiracies, and the reality that evil exists, is so disturbing. Nobody wants to believe that evil is happening. Yet, the mass majority of people, obviously, find themselves under suppression and rule by evildoers. We must replace the immorality with morality. 

I had a normal protestant/New Age Christian upbringing, which came alongside religious conditioning and society’s regular control-programming. It wasn't until I was a young teenager and began reading more books, that I understood and came to believe that religion was never intended to suppress thought. The prophets and Mystics are some of the most awake people, and to turn the masses into obedient servants, when we're meant to be solving problems, is hurting humanity and hindering the Holy cause. We cannot stop negativity from existing, and we cannot run from it; we can only make it positive by action, by lighting up that darkness. If we want to heal the evil in society, we must take action. This means being involved every day, and not pushing it off onto other people, whether friends or enemies, to change. We are all collectively the change we want to see in the world. We are living in a dirty and flawed habitat, and it's all of our responsibility to purify the world's daily rituals, to improve our habits. We must also improve the systems of power and control we collectively allow. On the individual level, we must use government to limit the amount of evil and harm those in power can inflict. Awareness is the key that opens the door to change, so we must educate our communities. 

Life is ritualistic. Our lives are all the same basic rituals, phases, and cycles. On a national and global level, humanity's daily ritual is wrong, in that it is unfocused on human wellbeing, distracted by profit and self-gain, thereby missing the mark, thereby dooming humanity's future. The conspiracy is that every individual is capable of both good and evil actions, incorrect thought processes, untreated pathologies, unhealed suffering. Through this darkness that is the result of the fallen nature of the world, all kinds of atrocities begin to occur. Any society, when it becomes oppressive, unequal, unfair, begins to compete with itself in a consumptive-cannibalistic manner.

Until human societies recognize the problems with the way things have been done, and identify the solutions, which are being demonstrated and proven around the globe, will humanity reach the next stage of evolution; one that humanity inherently knows, but which the imperfect rationale of humanity will always struggle to remember. The problem is our knights, our politicians, who we've sent in to slay the dragon, have married the dragon. We must replace those who continue to abuse their power with better agents, and this takes mass political organization and education before it can be accomplished and maintained. 

Ill societies have always accused anyone seen as other as being a threat, and this is how witch persecution begins; during a witch hunt, humanity always fails to identify the corrupt officials in seats of power, the colonizers, warmongers, owners, and those who sew religious bigotry, themselves and their own friends and family, as the actual corrupters, the actual source of evil. This explains humanity's fear and misunderstanding of mystical forces, the manifold and varying nature of Gods and religions, and persecution of the many differing children of God for being different by race or heresy, that are the hallmarks of an oppressive world, and our currently warring societies. We are collectively worshipping those who become powerful through war, slavery, greed, and cult programming. We worship them with every breath we expend to build their office buildings and buy their petroleum and feed our family their junk food. We worship them when we fail to improve our individual worlds as their neglected structures crumble. We become complicit in overarching systems of corruption when we refuse to demand the next step in change, when we place blind faith in the idol built by past empire. From this framework, we can see that the entire world is both the city of Heaven, and the pits of Hell, macrocosm existing in microcosm. Each one of us chooses to create a more heavenly, or hellish world, every day, through every thought and action. Until the people are healed, we can not expect the world to heal. Until those who abuse power are brought to total justice, can we expect to live in a just society. Until we stop feigning ignorance of systemic corruption, can we stop blaming our neighbors and fix the problems. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." We are all guilty under an unjust system.

People are prone to weakness and sin as they are prone to bigotry in evil times. Because of unhealed thought processes, people begin to blame individuals; but you can't stop corrupt, greedy, or evil individuals, you have to do that intervention structurally and systemically, which can only come through the people wielding their own power in the face of flawed, or failing, human systems. People have to care.

A healthy society doesn't condemn witches or magicians, because they don't fear and seek to suppress God, and accept individual freedom and self-responsibility. Evil seeks to oppress good. The voice of fear and hatred is the Evil One. I hope you understand what I mean. If we look for evil, we will find countless examples; if we look for good, we will find countless examples. What we consume adds gravity to our sense-perceptions of the world; consume what is negative and come to live in a negative world, consume what is positive and come live in a positive world. Much of reality is outside of our senses and control, but our experience of reality is mainly a choice. We can't control the whole world, but we can control our individual worlds. It's holy to focus on collective progress and justice. But it is not holy to allow evil to poison us. Every person faces darkness and suffering in life, and it is all of our duty to brighten and heal the world.  Good groups of people improve the world, and evildoers destroy and abuse it.

Like participating in a protest, or voting for better political representatives, a magical ritual is a way to take immediate action and hold space for self-affirmation, a method of meditating upon and eventually bringing oneself into realization of an improved life. In this way magical ritual, like all spirituality, is a double edged tool; when neglected, it will lead to rusty ignorance, rigid, categorizing bigotry, and justification for untreated mental illness; but when incorporated into other healthy lifestyles it can be the antidote to much worldly disease, a lifelong medicine, and a friend. Conspiracy theory is also a double edged tool; it allows us to speculate and discover, or daydream and obsess. Community, love, and optimism about progress and evolution that will come in the future, is the way out of the darkness of human sin. People need to realize that nobody is perfect and that most evil is systemically rooted, and need to stop thinking one group or class is all to blame. Instead of blaming imaginary groups of people for corruption, start accepting the institutional groups responsible for corruption; you will learn that corporations and warmongers are responsible for much more horror than the rare monster. Furthermore, that neglect and disregard towards the systems we all take for granted as we participate in them, such as the immoral hoarding of resources for private profits, and the corporate greed lobbying our oligarchic, ancient political representatives, can we begin to see that the battle isn't group against group, you versus me, it's a battle for the soul of humanity that everyone is fighting. Don't take for granted that everyone suffers under an unjust rule. 

The Temple is one of the only places the Highest Laws of God and morality can be discussed, and it is part of the sacred duty of Priesthood, keeping the light of Creator shining, no matter how far humanity may fall. The children of the Gods will always exist to pull souls back up to Heaven; to teach and share the medicines which heal the soul.  

We call our religion 'The Craft," and our phraseology generally stems back to prehistoric times, and is described throughout the Bible, and all religions, as the Inner Order of true Sages, the cloth God weaves throughout the Universe. We are the material God fashions the world out of, and we are God's eternal witnesses. There is an older religion that exists outside of humanity's comprehension or control; the Nameless Faith. All humans are a part of God's story, even if we forget or deny it. We align ourselves with the craftsmen of goods and architecture who establish trade and culture amongst humanity, growing into the institutions which serve humanity, like Angelic governors. The Craftspeople wisely understand that as everything may fluctuate between two polarities, we recognize that anything may succeed or fail; that in nature a particular path may lead to safety, or danger. We realize that God's universal Laws will manifest in ways that both delight and disappoint. Through working on our magical rituals, meditating upon and learning from the sacred teachings, we use the sacred wisdom to improve our individual and collective world, piece by piece, step by step. Through simple thought, understanding, choice, and action, we make the Gods and Ancestors happy, which makes us happy. By improving our Art, we improve the world. We empower ourselves with free will in spite of worldly oppression and limitation; we thereby become the higher, fated version of ourselves. This is the naturally unfolding process of the alchemist in formulating the treasures of the developed and healed soul. 

There are as many ways to practice the true Art of Magic as there are souls incarnated. Humanity is simply working with God to materialize and manifest God's will, through our will. This is how everything in the world occurs; through an exchange between the material and immaterial; by entering the dream-world, and pulling our ideas out into the material-world.

S: How are the various titles or labels, Witch, Magician, Priest, Sage, Prophet, Saint, different, and the same? 

M: As much as there are ways to describe divisions, there are ways to describe no divisions. All are humans with time-honored gifts and traditions. All work for God and humanity in the fight against chaos and nothingness. A saint, a wonderworker, a witch, a priest, and a heretic are all messengers from God and manifestations of Creation like many plant-creatures in a forest. Treat each one with curiosity and discernment. Intelligence abounds, known or unknown. Some may simply have higher sensitivity or capacity for interpreting the Spirit world, and because of this we take on the mantle and task ourselves with shaping the world according to those higher intelligences. As a medicine, any drug may be misused, in life, both good and bad will be experienced, and it is essential that our conscience and wisdom keep us aligned with a path guided by good spirits and toward a better life. The sacred teachings of all religions are intended to help us better navigate this dangerous world in accordance with our conscience and our spirit guides, because God wants everyone to be saved, and by any means. Salvation comes through one prophet or another, as it always has; it is the Divine design that creatures work together to build the Heavenly kingdom that is the crystalline intelligence of the universe.

S: To better orient people, what do people assume about the Occult, that is wrong, and right? 

M: It is not my goal to be everyone's master, but a friend; Everyone must become their own master and learn right and wrong for themselves. Occultism, magic, ritual--all these things fill a role in life, so I'm just a catalyst, or a signpost for those who need or want to understand and apply magic. God, mysticism, the energy realms, and dreams can all be sources for fantasy, distraction, disturbance, or disappointment, or they can be catalysts for personal progress. Commit yourself to light or dark, either way you will know. I hope the things I present to people challenge them to better determine what's truly wrong and what's truly right, from a higher, philosophical, symbolic frame. 

Everyone, even initiates, ponders the world through perceptions that are both correct and incorrect. It is up to the individual to hone their skills of perception. 

S: When there are so many people constantly running away from Spirit, so many people solely focused on the material and the monetary, and so many people unhealthy and suffering, how can magic help, or how is it helping?

M: Well, in spite of all of the pain and suffering in life, it goes on. As long as humanity exists on Earth, we will need a guidebook. So, every peoples channels and then records the guidebooks for humanity. It is up to humanity to uphold these teachings and become intelligent enough to truly understand a higher morality and a healthy and proactive subversion of an ever-illusory norm. Magic helps people see past the illusions to see what truly matters. 

The Buddha said, "Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life." 

Religion is as old and as manifold as the Universe itself. It is impossible to even describe in one text, though the Holy Books try and sometimes succeed. True religion is about experience and mutual understanding, it is about the fabric of life and reality itself.

It's a natural urge to do magic. To express one's soul in community, gathering, festivity, gaiety, eccentricity, transcendent worship, meaningful symbols, and just restoring one's faith in the meanings of life. When we express our soul in any way, we are being reborn into the world and taking our place in destiny. We are remembering where we came from and where we are going. We see past the facade of the moment, into greater and parallel realities and timelines. Magic is something that must be done, as one must breathe, eat, and sleep. People pray as magic, people work as magic, people build their nests of magic. Magical are the thoughts and energies through which we accomplish life. 

The soul has an innate need to remember and heal the aspect of self and the mind which is the primordial hopeful. If we are birds who may soar on the wings of intelligence, magic is the wind we may conjure and master. If we are sailors on a stormy sea, faith is the ship that keeps us afloat. When faithless, all seems impossible and wrong, when faithful, all is possible and potential. 

Not everything in life is about service. Much is also just about enjoyment, play, or recreation. Magic serves all sorts of roles that assist life, and helps develop all basic skills. To explain the practice of magic and spirituality simply, it is to release the past and blossom into the future. It is to reassert one's soul sovereignty over one's own sphere. It is to bless the past and future at the same time. It is to reflect upon one's past and welcome in one's future. It is to reorient oneself to the conscientious compass. How does one do this? By allowing oneself to exist as a being with total acceptance and forgiveness, as God forgives and accepts. The actions which stem from this are blessed. We are born into this world in order to become the Heavenly Kingdom, to return to the Garden of Eden, to improve and heighten our own realm of energies. The whole of humanity moves according to these concepts, these teachings. So, to cut to the chase, when someone actually is doing real magic, they are present or distant, still or moving, dancing, chanting, writing, painting, singing, dreaming, eating, drinking, purging, desiring, loving, hating, or doing nothing at all, all is the magic we send out into the world, all has karmic weight upon our souls, all will form our conception of reality, all will form the future. It is up to the individual, on a collective scale, to better perceive and form reality. 

I practice Witchcraft and Magic by countless names, from the book and from the teacher, Eastern and Western, new, and ancient spirituality, logically, because I view them as spiritual sciences, but emotionally, spiritually, it's just the best sort of fun to be had! Many people associate religion with past traumas, but I believe spirituality should center around happiness, healing, and the marketplace of ideas. 

My rituals are like all of the Holidays tucked into a box, where every time I step into that sacred space, I can witness the Great Spirit turning the tides and seasons, smiling from countless faces, expressions, emotions, and elements of nature. Like life itself, the Ritual is always the same and always changing. Holiday means holy-day, so when one or more souls gather for Ritual, the atmosphere lifts, and the most positive and productive of parties ensues. One expects to be hit by a wave of camaraderie, empathy, intuition, encouragement, healing, learning, sharing, and, element by element, improving the world. All the sacred tools and jewels come out, the candles and incense are burning, everyone is hopeful and anticipating, and through the sacred rituals we get to remember and experience the divine energies, the higher and lower dimensions of Creation, and reinvigorate the whole with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit. I get such a rush of revitalization from simply looking at my Altar, and by performing my rituals I bring the contrast of the transcendent into the daily routine. It becomes something one relies on and needs, if not actually, in the imagination; One returns to the Temple for a time-shattering peace and understanding that can't be found anywhere aside from the Holy Spirit. Humanity should have freedom of religion, and freedom from religious corruption. People should have total spiritual independence and sovereignty, and the social aspect of religion should serve the main purpose of liberating and uplifting the community. Anything less is failure. Success in religious endeavors leads one to Heaven, both in this life, and after. Failure is giving up. 

Salvation and reincarnation are processes whereby God learns about the Universe. It is a process and a struggle, but it doesn't have to be hard. We are meant by design to implement solutions. In a state of enlightenment, you realize the immaculate and miraculous that is. You give form to formless understanding, and you remember that you can speak to it, that you are made from it, from the All. That you can, you must, shape it. You are the Universe's destiny.

S: Who should get initiated?

M: Not everyone should, some should self dedicate, others are safer to avoid risk and focus on the spirit through worldly means such as counseling, art, and self expression. The initiatory path is really for the person who sees oneself on a lifelong dedicatory path to studying and making oneself of service to Spirit, taking refuge in Spirit. Magical groups are already aware of this level of reality wherein the lifelong soul dwells, aware that life is full of suffering and illness. A group will be wary of anyone new, because there is much darkness that poses a threat to peace, study, and self-development that is the focus of a Circle. A Coven will be aware that everyone has spiritual needs, and that, unfortunately, due to the fallen nature of the world, many people will never find those spiritual answers, because they do not want to reach a state of egoless detachment from the unwanted, and make lifestyle changes that lead to the cessation of suffering. Many people drive themselves and others into Hell, chaos, illness, and violence because of internal conflict, blamed on external others. Many unfortunate people, under cover of well normalcy, are masking and ignoring mental wounds and conflicts, and thereby in a state of rejection of external perspectives, challenging perspectives, harsh truths, disappointment with the world, etc. that inhibit spiritual growth, and will harm others spiritually until resolved. 

A covenant, oath, or pledge is a weighty, personal, and exclusive agreement, because such a precious thing as a soul must be carefully protected. One should never trust another with a spirit lightly. Much of initiatory ceremony and teaching is simply about preserving oneself from human and spiritual harm and distraction, and establishing one's own kingdom. Anyone who distracts from, or damages, the integrity of the Circle is unwelcome by the people who have the right to establish firm boundaries. A Circle or Coven consists of as many people as resonate with and receive the blessing of the collective prayer. When a sports team or theater group get together for a prayer or pep talk or rally, they are organically, in accordance with universal laws, setting their intentions, exorcising themselves, and charging themselves with the group blessing. A coven, group, or lodge are taking part in these integral human activities on a formalized scale. Magical ritual is life ritual, social ritual, solitary ritual, momentary ritual, timeless ritual. It is a way to reconnect to the boundless place we come from. It is a way to refresh and revitalize life as the monotony is broken. 

In order to get to a place where one is ready to search for initiation and training in any tradition, one must understand and incorporate the fundamentals of clean and righteous living into every moment. Study of the teachings must be a nourishing refuge. One must be in a state of meditation and grace throughout every moment, which one will know as Samadhi or meditative peace within the transcendent reality. Through focusing on higher states and more conscientious ways of living, one will sort oneself and find oneself in the proper avenues of study and commitment.

Initiation is a process of realization and affirmation of purpose to oneself. Other people may only assist and guide on this task. It is unfortunate that every initiate must also witness the horrors of the state of non-initiation, which may equivocate to being called shallow or dense, and can even lead to one's soul-light being snuffed out or dimmed if the soul is continually neglected. Initiation is a commitment to oneself to shine with the brightness of wisdom and to establish a Temple wherever one goes. Initiation can most commonly be compared to education or training for one's expertise. It often adheres to a numerical degree system in the same vein as craft guildsman, architects, and masters of worldly crafts. Initiation is to consecrate oneself on the path of mastery toward whatever traditions are being observed. 

S: What do you have to say to those curious about the occult world?

M: You have been doing magic since the day you were born! Don't fear other people's experience of the world, or other ways creation has manifested. The universe, from the Big Bang to the future, runs on natural laws, and by carefully taking control of these laws we may shape the elemental world within and without ourselves.

Furthermore, it is integral to human progress that we dredge the depths of our own souls for answers and inspiration. We must fix the brazen mistakes past generations have built and established, and we must bravely continue to repair, improve, and perfect our world. Furthermore, every person must remember their true selves and become what we were created to be, improving ourselves constantly. 

We must not snuff out our light. We must learn to shine brighter. 

Trust no one. People are flawed. Trust yourself. Trust the Ancestors. Trust the Gods. Don't side with despair, side with healing. Don't side with hate, side with love. Speak your truth. Stand in your rights. Be wise, and have fun. 

Stand up and fight for liberation!

S: What would you advise me if I decided to pursue this path, of initiation and practice? Would I become a Witch, or a Magician? Would I give myself a new name? Would I have to renounce anything, or convert? 

M: If you are truly experiencing the path of initiation, you will know, because you will feel and understand the Divine and otherworldly forces that you are being guided by; you will feel it in your soul as well as your DNA ancestry and biological composition that an alignment is taking place. You will understand the teachings mentally, physically, and spiritually. This understanding within the self is your foundation, your roots of awareness branching out. The wisdom of your Ancestors is the map. Faith is your compass. 

Depending on the path you are meant to follow, you will learn what to call yourself, in due time. You may receive formal titles and initiations based on this inner understanding, knowing, and conviction. So, you will declare what you are, and then follow the teachings and rituals, to your own need and destiny. So, take it one step at a time. You will come to know that across the world, whether initiated or solitary, of a lineage or a beginner, disciplined or intuitive, the Holy People, God's chosen prophets, exist across continents, of every faith and path. God is here among humanity, ready to be remembered by everyone as humanity evolves toward Buddha-Christ-Witch consciousness. Your individual perspective of life, self, and community will lead you on the proper pathways. It may at times feel more like a labyrinth than a path. But trust yourself to continue day by day. Study and practice and in time you'll want to practice the rituals which most align with your soul, and naturally meditate upon your teachings.

You will find yourself! 

When you're on your way, you can come to me, and I'll show you the best books I’ve read to help you along, and potentially provide any teaching, healing, or ceremony appropriate. If you'd like to practice Pagan Witchcraft, I can teach those who are learning. If you'd like to practice New Age healing, I can teach you some things about Western Ceremonial Magic. If you'd like to learn and teach Indigenous wisdom, we can study, attend, speak, and practice together. There is nothing to convert to; we are already living within the Kingdom. Renunciation of negative practices should be a result of personal evolution, not a hollow gesture of obedience. All we are required to do according to the Universal Laws is live well. That is the Order and Law that the Masters want; they desire no responsibility for foolishness, only transcendence. 

There are also local events across the map, from psychic fairs, to spiritual lectures, to treasure troves of spiritual shops. You know that every time you visit something like this, the most miraculous and high-vibrational ventures ensue. Online is a great way to plug into and support your communities. With the Internet, making friends is easier than ever. Caring for the soul is like constantly upgrading your software.

I call myself a Witch, because in my soul I feel God's blessing coming from this path of spiritual understanding. Witchcraft is a neutral force that can be used for positivity, or misused for negativity, but this is in line with the greater mysteries of the world which are both dark and light, positive and negative. I find the ancient and eternal teachings, which come to humanity from the Spirit-Ancestral world, through the Guides and Angels and Ascended Masters, are linked to the common core of every soul. Witchcraft remains close to the inner core of God's mysteries, full of power, fear, and glory. Witchcraft is a bigger teaching than any one culture or pantheon. Witchcraft and Magic are Universal phenomena everybody experiences in some form as life’s energy is navigated.

I love, respect, uphold, study, and teach spiritual philosophy to the best of my understanding, I try to organize everything and make it presentable, but for me, the mysteries of God reside in the mysterious realm we come from, a feminine and energetic realm of higher understanding, the subtle, energetic mysteries of magic which mainstream cults often overlook. So, I focus primarily on Goddess and Her wisdom, like many, if not most, Witches.  I've seen the Craft empower so many women, as well as men, in Holy roles of Priesthood. In Witchcraft, I've experienced true divinity and healing, as well as worldly disappointment. I've experienced the highs and lows of life. I've been a king, and a beggar; But so has everyone. The only thing that makes me different from most is that I embrace enchantment. I embrace hopeful dreams. I embrace fantasy and creativity. These are my religion. It encourages me to be mighty in the way God is. Witchcraft and Magic are my religion. Christian, Buddhist, Celtic, Aztec, African, Indigenous, intercontinental, sacred, rare, and Future religion are the backbones of wisdom from various places in our ancestry and history, which sustained our ancestors, as they continue to sustain us, and always will. The whole world finds itself at home in my Circle and within the Old Religion.

I am founding my lineage of priesthood as the Matrian Tradition of Witchcraft, an order shining a light, in the hope that others may discover and preserve the sacred wisdom. 

This would not be my last meeting with Lord Matria, my teacher and friend.